• sharingidea
/ Client
To mark the five-year anniversary of Biella’s inclusion in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, the Biella Creative City Association launched a call for proposals to highlight this prestigious recognition. The designation celebrates the city’s mastery and expertise in the textile sector, as well as its ability to make creativity a driver of economic, cultural, and social development.
/ Assignment
As part of the assignment, we were tasked with designing a communication campaign, creating various types of materials, and overseeing and organizing events to promote the Biella Creative City project. The goal was to spread awareness of the significance, values, and opportunities associated with being part of the UNESCO Network.

/ Solution

In crafting the communication plan, we determined that the best way to foster a cultural dialogue around Biella Creative City was to spotlight the community and its ability to inspire, innovate, and contribute to the city’s growth. This approach gave rise to the campaign “Creative Community”, centered on the question: “What does creativity mean to you?” This question was posed to all Biella residents and visitors to gather their perspectives, encourage discussion, and actively engage them in promoting the Biella Creative City project. To amplify the campaign’s reach, we developed a range of communication materials, including cards, in-depth brochures, school and journalist kits, and a mix of digital and physical engagement opportunities. One of the primary tools for community involvement was the online survey “What does creativity mean to you?” This allowed participants to share their thoughts by selecting one or more options from a list or providing their interpretation in an open-ended format. At events hosted by the Association’s members, the question was also showcased through a colorful interactive totem. Participants could weave threads of colored yarn to select their responses, creating a visually engaging and participatory experience. Additionally, we planned two special events to celebrate Biella’s five years in the UNESCO Network and present the 2025 Program.

Project recognized by UNESCO as a best practice in the Creative Cities Network

/ Vision

The project aims to elevate Biella Creative City and its excellence in textile production, focusing not only on the exceptional quality of its products but also on the people, their expertise, and their ability to transmit technical skills, culture, and values.
Direct community involvement is key to fostering a genuine sense of belonging to the project, raising awareness of the meaning, value, and generative impact of creativity.

We have created a connection between the territory, its creative soul, and the community.

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